Protect fair elections

Vote no on Measure 20-362

Patriotic image

What is Measure 20-362?

In a word, it’s Gerrymandering.

Some county commissioners are trying to change district voting maps ahead of the next election, apparently to help their chances of staying in office.

Just 3 years ago, Lane County updated our voting boundaries democratically, with an independent citizen commission and a transparent process. The next update is due in 2031.

Measure 20-362 would undo the independent citizen commission recommendations.  There is no legitimate reason to change voting district maps years ahead of schedule .

The League of Women Voters of Lane County says NO to Gerrymandering

"The League of Women Voters of Lane County opposes Measure 20-362. We support independent redistricting committees, but measure 20-362 does NOT meet the definition of 'independent.'  In addition, referring this ballot measure without the public hearing and comment process is not transparent. Vote NO on 20-362" 

Person counting money

Don’t waste taxpayer dollars

Redistricting in the middle of the decade is a waste of money. A fair, transparent, and thoughtful process resulted in new maps just 3 years ago. That effort cost $45,700 – Measure 20-362 is estimated to cost at least $75,000.

Lane County has a $7 million budget shortfall and just had to cut 15 jobs. What else will they cut to get their new gerrymandered maps?

Peter DeFazio

US Congressman (retired)

“Gerrymandering under the guise of so-called ‘independent redistricting’ is misleading and an affront to genuine democracy. I am appalled by the back room dealings of these Commissioners.

 Vote no on Measure 20-362.”

"I voted" stickers

Say yes to honest, fair elections

Every ten years, after the national census, election districts are updated to address population shifts.

Our current county voting districts were updated by an appointed, independent  citizen commission just 3 years ago. Creating new districts now at the whim of a current commission majority jeopardizes the independence and transparency of the citizen-led process.

The County Clerk told the County Commissioners that this proposal would put elections under pressure, due to both staff and financial capacity – and that this proposal jeopardizes the integrity of local elections.

Lane County deserves better than Measure 20-362.

Add your name to the list of Lane County members who are taking a stand for good government by voting

NO on Measure 20-362 this November.