Your contribution helps spread the word.

In order to get the word out, our all-volunteer team needs to send a county-wide mailing to more than 100,000 voters. Give today here to support this effort.

You can make a contribution to support the No on Measure 20-362 campaign online here.

If you would prefer to send in a check, you can mail it to:

Vote No on Gerrymandering

86 Owosso Dr. #30

Eugene, OR 97404

Please include your phone number and your employer and title, as these will help us to fulfill Oregon regulations for political contributions.

"Three  Lane County Commissioners pushed through this proposal to change our voting district boundaries. 

 As a rural Lane County resident,  I am offended by this power grab. Stop the Gerrymandering, and vote NO on 30-362.”

- Tony Corcoran, Cottage Grove, former state legislator

Would you like to reach out to the Vote No on Gerrymandering volunteer team? Send us an email at