Community Leaders. Your neighbors. Elected Officials.

Join the growing list of Lane County residents opposed to Measure 20-362.

The League of Women Voters of Lane County

"The League of Women Voters of Lane County opposes Measure 20-362. We support independent redistricting committees, but measure 20-362 does NOT meet the definition of 'independent.'  In addition, referring this ballot measure without the public hearing and comment process is not transparent. Vote NO on 20-362" 

Peter DeFazio

US Congressman (retired)

“Gerrymandering under the guise of so-called ‘independent redistricting’ is misleading and an affront to genuine democracy. I am appalled by the back room dealings of these Commissioners.

 Vote no on Measure 20-362.”

State Senator Floyd Prozanski

"Gerrymandering our county commissioners’ voting maps for personal gain is plain wrong. No matter your political affiliation, we must stand united and say no to this attempt to prematurely redistrict.”

Elected Leaders across Lane County oppose Measure 20-362

Val Hoyle, US Congresswoman

Peter DeFazio, US Congressman (retired)

James Manning, State Senator

Floyd Prozanski, State Senator

Julie Fahey, State Representative

Paul Holvey, State Representative

John Lively, State Representative

Nancy Nathanson, State Representative

Heather Buch, Lane County Commissioner

Laurie Trieger, Lane County Commissioner

Austin Folnagy, LCC Board

Lisa Fragala, LCC Board

Zach Mulholland, LCC Board

Matt Keating, Eugene City Council

Tom DiLiberto, Eugene 4J School Board

Rick Hamilton, Eugene 4J School Board

Jenny Jonak, Eugene 4J School Board

Judy Newman, Eugene 4J School Board

Maya Rabasa, Eugene 4J School Board

Ericka Thessen, Eugene 4J School Board

Lisa Fragala

Lane Community College Board Member

"Our current county voting districts were updated by an independent citizen commission just three years ago. Measure 20-632 is an effort to impose partisan gerrymandering in Lane County, and disenfranchise  public employee participation in future commissions. Vote NO. "  

Community organizations who pay attention to local issues are opposed to Measure 20-362

The League of Women Voters of Lane County

Service Employees International Union - SEIU 503

Join the list of Lane County residents who believe in fair elections and good government - take a stand against Measure 20-362 this November.

Polly Ashworth

Jim Babson

Patti Barkin 

Tom Barkin 

Phil Barnhart

Sue Barnhart 

Beverly Barr

Cathy Bellavita

Mike Biglan

Tony Biglan

Marianne Blankenship

Katy Bloch

Richard Bloch 

Sophia Bowie-McCoy

Susan Brenner

Susan Brody

Bob Bussell

Linda Carnine

Doug Carnine 

Michael Carrigan

Richard Chartoff

Dan Close

Val Close

Tony Corcoran

Cheryl Crumbley

Marjorie Debuse

Alice Doyle

Ann Fidanque

Dave Fidanque

Dave Funk

Paul Haley

Betsy Halpern

Sharon Hawks

Martin Henner

Debra Higbee

Len Hockley

Phyllis Hockley

Gail Hoelzle

Rob Horner

Charles and Katherine Hunt

Glenda Jeter

Allen Johnson

Martin Jones 

Paul Kaplan

Bruce Kelsh

Catherine Kilpatrick

Steve Kilston

Charles Kittleson

Hillary  Kittleson

Gayle Landt

Susan Lax

Georgia Layton

Will Levin

Richard Levy

Jacqui Lichtenstien

Linda Lynch

Robert Marquis

Joy Marshall

James McCoy

Nora Morgan

Laurie Moses

Dave Oatman

Kelly Oatman

Chris O'Neill

Stefan Ostrach

Martha Ravits

Gary Rondeau

Leslie Rubinstein

Tova Sabin

Minalee Saks

Penny Salus

Michael F Simon

Ellen Singer

Janet Sondock

Janet Squires

Jon Stout

Bob Trickett

LiDona Wagnor

Hill Walker

David Wilson

Lin Woodrich

Charlotte Zeller

Add your name to the list of community members

voting NO on Measure 20-362 this November